Partner with Schools (PD)

In order to improve quality of education in developing countries, we want to partner with schools through partnering schools in the US. Through a guided plan, we will work on providing professional development (PD) for administrators and teachers in areas that are beneficial for their improvement with a focus on Biblical worldview.

Partner with Schools: Cultural

In our partnerships, we want students in the US an opportunity to learn about cultures outside their hometown. In our partnerships, students will have the opportunity to visit partnering schools to foster and grow in understanding culture around the world. Students will have the opportunity to grow in leaderships skills through planning of events to projects that can help the partnering school. In addition, younger students can possibly adopt a grade and exchange ideas through meetings via technology throughout the year.

Start Christian Schools

There is a need for Christian education. We want to help facilitate this by helping in the starting process or working with organizations that are doing this. Providing an essential need such as education is a great means of living the Gospel but also a great means of sharing the Gospel daily. Partnerships must be designed for self-sustaining success in the future. A ministry that has a central focus of opening Christian schools in needed areas with great success is Global Education Ministries. We are excited to be partnering with GEM schools as they seek to share the Gospel through Christian education.