Flowood Mississippi

Active Scramble 2025

Active Impact International presents Active Scramble 2025

It’s happening! Active Impact is hosting our 1st annual golf tournament scramble - Active Scramble 2025. We will host the tourney at a beautiful course in Flowood, MS. Thank you for your support and involvement, we look forward to having you participate!

  • The Refuge Golf Club. 2100 Refuge Blvd, Flowood, MS 39232

  • Teams consist of 4 players. 18-holes - each player tees off on each hole, and the team chooses the best shot

  • Cost per team - $200

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

* indicates required
    1. Title Sponsor — $7500 (1)

      1. Premium VIP table for 10 guests in prime location

      2. Company name/logo prominently featured as main dinner sponsor

      3. Speaking opportunity during dinner program

      4. Premium banner placement in banquet hall

      5. Logo featured prominently on all event materials

      6. Prominent logo on social media giveaway backdrop — lucrative social media exposure/tagging

      7. Logo on website and digital tournament bracket

      8. Custom engraved logo on coffee tumbler guest gift

    1. VIP table for 8 guests

    2. Premium banner placement

    3. Logo notably featured on all event materials

    4. Logo notably featured on social media giveaway backdrop — lucrative social media exposure/tagging

    5. Recognition during dinner program

    6. Logo on website

    1. VIP table for 8 guests

    2. Logo placement on banner

    3. Logo on social media giveaway backdrop

    4. Logo featured on all event materials

    5. Group recognition during dinner

    6. Logo on website

All-event “Ultimate Impact Bundle”

    1. Primary sponsor recognition across all three signature events

    2. Two golf foursomes + VIP banquet table for 10 + 8 basketball tournament guest passes

    3. Premium signage/banners at all event venues

    4. Speaking opportunities at all three events

    5. Prominent logo placement on all event materials and T-shirts

    6. Prominent logo on social media giveaway backdrop — lucrative social media exposure/tagging at all events

    7. First right of refusal for next year's events

    1. One golf foursome + VIP banquet table for 8 + 5 basketball tournament guest passes

    2. Premium signage at all three events

    3. Premium recognition at all three events

    4. Logo placement on all event websites and programs

    5. Recognition during all award ceremonies

    6. Logo on all event T-shirts (Golf/Basketball)

    7. Logo on social media giveaway backdrop — lucrative social media exposure/tagging at all events

    1. Signage at all three events

    2. Logo recognition in all event programs, materials, and websites

    3. Logo on all event T-shirts

    4. Small logo on social media giveaway backdrop

    1. One golf foursome + Reserved banquet seating for 8 + 3 basketball tournament guest passes

    2. Basic signage at all events

    3. Recognition in all event programs

    4. Logo on event T-shirts

    5. Group recognition across all 3 events

Sponsorship opportunities

Active classic

    1. Title Sponsor - $7500

      1. Company name/logo as official tournament presenter

      2. Premium court-side banners and scoring table branding

      3. Recognition in all tournament materials

      4. Logo prominently featured on tournament T-shirts

      5. Prominent logo on social media giveaway backdrop - lucrative social media exposure/tagging

      6. Recognition at 3-point and slam dunk contests

      7. PA announcements during games

      8. Speaking opportunity at awards presentation

      9. Free entry and unlimited free food for up to 8 guests

      10. First right of refusal for next year's tournament

    1. Platinum Sponsor - $3750 (2 max)

      1. Premium court-side banner placement

      2. Logo on website

      3. Recognition during awards ceremony

      4. Logo on tournament T-shirts

      5. logo on social media giveaway backdrop - lucrative social media exposure/tagging

      6. Free entry and unlimited free food for up to 5 guests

      7. Half-time promotion opportunity

      8. Recognition at 3-point and slam dunk contests

      9. PA announcements during games

    1. Half-court banner placement

    2. Recognition in tournament program

    3. Logo on tournament T-shirts

    4. Logo on social media giveaway backdrop

    5. Free entry and unlimited free food for up to 5 guests

    6. PA announcements during games

    7. Recognition at 3-point and slam dunk contests

    1. Recognition in tournament program

    2. Logo on tournament T-shirts

    3. PA announcement recognition

    4. Recognition at 3-point and slam dunk contests

    5. Free entry and unlimited free food for up to 3 guests

Impact Banquet

Get deeper insight into sponsorship benefits and sign-up here

Active Scramble

    1. Company name/logo prominently featured as main tournament sponsor

    2. Two foursomes in tournament with Hospitality package (includes lunch, unlimited snacks, and beverages)

    3. Premium signage at clubhouse and first tee

    4. Recognition in all event marketing materials

    5. Prominent logo on tournament T-shirts

    6. Prominent logo on social media giveaway backdrop - lucrative social media exposure/tagging

    7. Speaking opportunity at awards ceremony

    1. One foursome in tournament with Hospitality package (includes lunch, unlimited snacks, and beverages)

    2. Signage at driving range and practice area

    3. Logo placement on tournament website

    4. Recognition during awards ceremony

    5. Logo on tournament T-shirts

    6. Logo on social media giveaway backdrop with tagging exposure

    1. One foursome in tournament with Hospitality package (includes lunch, unlimited snacks, and beverages)

    2. Hole sponsorship with signage

    3. Recognition in event program

    4. Recognition at awards ceremony

    5. Logo on tournament T-shirts

    6. Small logo on social media giveaway backdrop